About Us

Welcome to DIY Welding Plans,

My name is Kelly and I founded this site back in 2012 based on my Kelly 2015own desire to find a site strictly dedicated to really neat or practical welding plans I could create from my garage. Back then, there weren't any sites that really had a great variety of welding project plans. Now there are some go kart plan sites out of Australia or Canada who use the metric system (one that I don't understand naturally since being born and raised using standard increments like inches and feet). There are also some dune buggy other niche sites. More unique sites exist but they might only contain one specific welding plan that they created and are either difficult to find or just don't contain the right project for my needs.

DIY Welding Plans was created to be the central hub of all welding project plans for hobbyists and professionals on one simple-to-use site. I have been working with other plan owners to allow me to share their plans, as you will see start to show up on the site more in 2017 and into 2018. I am excited for whats to come, and am thankful that you are here visiting. Feel free to reach out to me any time. I'm always looking for more great ideas and I could really use your help. 

Also, to get the latest projects and occasional discounts, I encourage you to sign up for my email list. I will never spam you and you will always have the option to unsubscribe at any time. I also don't send a lot of emails so please do subscribe! I look forward to seeing you on the inside. 


Kelly Householder

Working out of my home garage in Gilbert, AZ. 

Toll Free: (888) 964-0813

Email: kelly@diyweldingplans.com